Universal RP: Fixed an issue where switching Volume Update modes between Every Frame and Via Scripting gave an error. Universal RP: Fixed an issue where assets were incorrectly being saved when making builds. UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit not rendering when HDR is enabled. IOS: Fixed leak error messages for iOS build and run process on MacOS editor. Graphics: Fixed: Provide a way to avoid GC.Alloc with RenderMeshInstanced.
Reenable the failing tests.Įditor: Fixed an issue where the Cubemap "Mapping" control in the Texture Importer Inspector would incorrectly be disabled in certain scenarios.Įditor: Fixed Column naming in Edit Column menu.Įditor: Fixed Painter2D.Arc() counter-clockwise incomplete strokes.Įditor: Fixed Prefab overridden fields not being disabled in the inspector, in isolation mode, with Show Overrides enabled.Įditor: Fixed title show the major, minor and version build.Įditor: Fixed VisualElement scheduler that may not run task in order when throttling.Įditor: Fixed Vorbis audio library security vulnerabilities CVE-2018-10392 and CVE-2018-10393.Įditor: FrameDebugger: Fixed an issue where render textures would leak when attached in a player using URP.Įditor: Improved warning message when trying to save a SceneTemplate with an invalid asset path.Įditor: Property titles from several words are now displayed with spaces.Įditor: Quick Search now displays Hierarchy GameObjects when using custom PreviewSceneStage.Įditor: Set a filter id for both perf provider.Įditor: Static batching doesn't work when the shader uses unity_ProbeVolumeParams.Įditor: Text in Text Assets can now be selected in the inspector.Įditor: Unresolved Pointer Reference Issue with menu controller.Įditor: Changed name of symbols zip folder generated during build to include the backend specified, to ensure the folder is generated fresh when target architecture is changed but app name is not on 2022.2.Įditor: Audio.Thread marker in Profiler window is lasting whole frame while audio is playing. Also allows saving inside a package folders.Įditor: Added try/catch when calling custom indexers so they cannot crash the whole indexing process.Įditor: Changed search result count label color to be more clear when selected and hovered.Įditor: Ensure AssetChangeSet.empty is properly setup even if the default constructor is used.
XR: Updated AR Foundation and related packages to version 5.0.5.Īndroid: Fixed errors on new InputSystem when using mouse clicks on Samsung Dex.īurst: Fixed incorrect Burst stacktraces in Windows player builds.Įditor: Added more validation when saving scene template (handled outside project). SRP Core: Changed: HDROutputUtils.ConfigureHDROutput' now disables keywords that don't apply to the corresponding HDR Operation.Įditor: Input System: Updated Input System package to 1.6.1.Editor: The "Non-Power of 2" control is now hidden for Cubemaps in the Texture Importer Inspector because it is not used for Cubemaps.

Visual Effects - Legacy: Editor crashes on BufferD3D11::EndWrite when Hierarchy filter gives zero results on a scene with a custom UI Prefab Visual Effects: Crash on VFXBatch::AddInstance when switching to Custom Batch Capacity in Asset Inspector Visual Effects: Editor crashes on VFXRenderer::AddAsRenderNode when assigning a Renderer’s materials toits to materials/sharedMaterials Kernel: Crash on core::Join & _ptr64,char const (& _ptr64),core::basic_string_ref > when the Editor runs out of memory saving an invalid override